Temperatures are rising steadily, June is advancing rapidly and the beginning of summer is just around the corner. In other words it’s time to plan the holidays, if you haven’t already!
An excellent choice for keen cyclists is undoubtedly the Green Velo, one of the most beautiful equipped cycling routes in Europe.
Located in Poland, with over 1,800 km of tracks and paths, it’s a real must for all enthusiasts.
There are a million reasons to choose this amazing destination – here are just 3!
- The route passes through 5 regions of priceless natural heritage.
The main route crosses through five different regions where you can see some unforgettable natural landscapes: from Warmian-Masurian, the “Land of a Thousand Lakes”, to Podlasie with its endless forests; from Lublin, with its tundra and waterfalls, to Precarpathia and St. Karecice with as many as four geological reserves.
- Safety and comfort.
Cycling enthusiasts often find themselves in cities with few cycle paths, following badly maintained roads and having to contend with undisciplined motorists. The Green Velo is just the opposite: it winds along quiet asphalted or dirt roads, cycle paths and tracks completely immersed in nature. Furthermore, to raise safety standards more than 30 bridges have been built or renovated since its inauguration. Work has also been carried out to improve the standard of infrastructure along the route, including in particular the construction of around 230 Cyclist Service Points equipped with bike racks, canopies, benches, litter bins and information boards.
- A different holiday.
Last but not least is the urge to choose an alternative kind of holiday that’s light years from the mainstream destinations, large crowded capital cities or tourist spots in the classic sense.
If you go for this holiday you’ll have a truly unforgettable experience, completely immersed in nature. Although a very long route, the Green Velo is divided into 12 sections called ‘bike kingdoms’ offering more than 100 tours of various durations: whether it’s for one day, a weekend or longer, you can select the route best suited to your needs.
If you haven’t yet booked your holiday and you’re a true bike lover, choose the Green Velo!
La più bella ciclabile d’Europa: 2000 km attraverso 5 parchi nazionali