Tags: outdoor, sailing, sea, watersports
There are varying and different reasons to start any kind of sporting activity: fun, to stay fit, to alleviate health problems and to combat stress. One common denominator exists, however: the awareness that doing any kind of sport requires training and specific preparation.
If you are starting from zero, it is very easy to make the mistake of starting intense training immediately, thinking that, in this way, you can make up for lost time. Actually, the body needs time to adapt to the new physical exertions and excessive effort could cause more damage than benefit.
To gain effective and long-lasting results and be ready to make a sustained effort for as long as possible it is important to learn how to do endurance training. This is true for both beginners and athletes, both groups understanding that a period of regular and constant preparation is essential so that they can give their maximum on competition day.
The biggest obstacle for those who have never tried a sport before is the idea that they might reach their goal without any preparation. Especially at the beginning, it is difficult to change habits and dedicate time to training, but when the first good results present themselves, and at the same time, the physical improvements and personal satisfactions become apparent, the training program becomes a must.
There are several positive and long-lasting health benefits: in particular, endurance training helps to prevent and manage illnesses like diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. In addition, endurance training is an important help in controlling body weight and, thanks to the release of endorphins, it has a positive effect on mood.
You can follow different training schedules and methods which differ according to body shape and the type of sport you are going to undertake.
The most used method, expecially in sports like cycling, running and swimming, is the continuous method, which is maintaining effort for a certain period of time, without interruptions, and at a constant speed. The result is an improved ability to use oxygen.
Other methods include trainings based on intervals and repetitions with periods of work and exertion alternating with periods of recovery.
In addition there is the intermittent method with short stresses at high intensity alternating with a period of active recovery. For example, we can have 15 minutes of light running, jumping over 5 hurdles every 10 seconds.
The last method, the least popular but no less effective, is called competion or control method, which includes exertions in situations like tests or competions. The most common examples are the running of twelve minutes (useful to test your shape) and friendly games.
The levels of the endurance intensity (“very light”, “light”, “intense” “highly intense”) follow some specific parameters. Among these are personal condition, metabolism, the condition after workout and the rule of Bandolier, known as the rule of speaking, which states that the intensity of exercise must be proportionate to the ability of speaking without effort with a partner.
Before undertaking any kind of sporting training, it is important for anyone to have medical advice on health status and physical condition provided by qualified and professional figures, first of all the personal trainer. With their advice, anyone will be able to follow a training suitable for their capabilities, preserving a good psychological and physical condition and avoiding mistakes or physical damage.